Link tải phần mềm ETS6 Professional, phiên bản v6.2.0, phát hành ngày 29.02.2024.

MD5 Hash: b64feee4bc38c76437c3e06306e82d18 |
Một số thông tin phiên bản phần mềm ETS v6.2.0 từ KNX Association.
Phần mềm ETS Professional, v6.2.0.
✅New features
New project schema for all projects (any project that is opened/imported is automatically converted to the new schema and cannot be downgraded)
User Interface & Functionality
Support for KNX/IoT- Point API
User Interface & Functionality
Optimize Project Tracing functionality when Apps are involved
Restore default Online Catalog data visibility
The default license storage selection has changed to Cloud
Extended functionality of the “Linked with” detail view column
Adapt tooltip
Avoid duplicates
Show path Main Group/Middle Group/Group Address
"Project Store" has been renamed to "Project Restore" in ETS6 Settings
New IoT medium type has been added
Error message when checking for licenses and traffic interception has been detected
Extended copy performance improvements
🛠️Bug fixes
User Interface & Functionality
Error message when checking for licenses and traffic interception has been detected
Group Objects in some devices could not be unlinked after project was closed and opened again
ETS did not properly read out the value of secure objects
The 'Delete' button was disabled and the 'Download' was enabled under Group Address panel
RF Multi Media Couplers did not reset the Grp flag when a Group Object was changed
Project Archive was not restoring projects as per timestamp
Numeric up-down control issue in parameter dialog
Context menu did not always show the correct entries
Secure devices that have associations with parked RF-Multi devices cannot be downloaded
Generating diagnostic file was taking more time than expected
ETS could not display some dialogs when the Windows username contained UTF-8 characters
When generating statistics in Group Monitor an error message was thrown
Unable to add some old devices from Online Catalog
Old Custom 'Dynamic folders' could not migrate to New 'Search folders'
Sidebar of detail view selection was not updated after unlinking a device in buildings panel
Trade device counts did not change unless it is refreshed
The Product column in the Online Catalog could not display the translated language
F1 key did not work to open Help file of an ETS App
Entering data for DPT 234.1 in Group Monitor was not possible